4 Bow Workouts To Become The Ultimate Bowhunter
Most bowhunters are often looking for ways to improve their physical fitness and maintain a strong upper body to carry their equipment, stay longer in the field, and ultimately be a more accurate shot.
One great way to do this is through strength training via archery exercises, which are specifically designed to target the muscles used in bowhunting. These workouts and exercise can be done at home or at the gym and can help bowhunters improve their accuracy and endurance.
One of the key muscles in your back used in bowhunting is the latissimus dorsi, or "lats." These muscles are located in the upper back and are responsible for pulling the bowstring back.
Another important muscle group for bowhunting is the shoulders. The shoulders are responsible for supporting the weight of the bow and for stabilizing the upper body during the shot. Strengthening your shoulder blades will also help with your draw weight and help reduce target panic. Keeping your shoulders healthy can be the difference between a successful bow season or not.
Your core, including the abs and lower back, are also crucial for good bowhunting form. Working out your core muscles and building core strength will help you maintain a stable and balanced whole body stance while shooting.
In addition to targeting specific muscle groups for strength training, it's also important to incorporate cardiovascular exercise into your workout routine. This will help you improve your endurance and stay in good shape for long days in the field.
Overall, incorporating bow workouts into your fitness routine can help you improve your bowhunting skills and maintain a strong, healthy upper body. So we gathered the best exercises for your entire body to become the ultimate bowhunter.
Lat pulldowns, rows, or pullups:
These archery exercises target the latissimus dorsi muscles, which are responsible for pulling the bow string back.
To work these muscles and improve your performance with a bow, try incorporating lat pulldowns, rows, or if you don't have access to weights or a gym, pull ups. These exercises can be done using a cable machine, resistance bands, or a bar that can support your weight, and are a great way to target the muscles used for drawing your bow back.
Lat pulldowns involve sitting at a cable machine and pulling the cable down towards your chest, while rows involve pulling a weight towards your chest while bent over at a slight angle. Chin ups are fairly self explanatory. Remember, start slow and build your muscles slowly over time or risk a chance of injury.
All of these exercises help to build strength and develop the lats, which can improve your ability to draw the bow string back smoothly and with control.
In addition to the lats, lat pulldowns and rows also work the biceps and upper back muscles, which can help to improve your overall upper body strength and stability with your bow. This can help you maintain good shooting form and reduce the risk of injury in the field. And as a bonus, they help with important muscles for good posture!
Overall, lat pulldowns and rows are a great way to target the muscles used in bow hunting and can help you improve your performance in the field.
2. Overhead presses or lateral raises:
These archery exercises target the shoulder and shoulder blade, which are important for supporting the weight of the bow and for stabilizing the upper body during the shot and increasing your accuracy.
To work the shoulders and shoulder blades, try incorporating overhead presses or lateral raises into your workout routine. These exercises can be done using dumbbells or a resistance band and are a great way to target the muscles used in pulling strength.
Overhead presses involve lifting a weight above your head, while lateral raises involve lifting the weight out to the side of your body. Both of these exercises help to strengthen and develop the shoulder, which can improve your ability to hold the bow steady and maintain good shooting form.
In addition to the shoulders, overhead presses and lateral raises also work the triceps and upper back muscles, which can help to improve your overall upper body strength and bow stability. This can help you maintain good bow shooting form and reduce the risk of injury in the field.
Incorporating these exercises into your workout routine can help you maintain a strong, healthy upper body and take your bowhunting skills to the next level.
Planks, Russian twists, or bird dogs:
These archery exercises help strengthen the abs and lower back, which are crucial for maintaining good shooting form.
To work the core and improve your performance in the field, try incorporating exercises like planks, Russian twists, or bird dogs into your workout routine. These exercises are a great way to target the muscles used in bowhunting and can help you maintain a strong and stable core.
Planks involve holding your body in a straight line supported by your forearms and toes, while Russian twists involve sitting with your feet off the ground and twisting your upper body from side to side. Bird dogs involve starting on all fours and lifting one arm and the opposite leg at the same time. All of these exercises help to strengthen and develop the core muscles, which can improve your shooting form and overall stability.
In addition to the core, planks, Russian twists, and bird dogs also work the upper back and shoulder muscles, which can help to improve your overall upper body strength and stability with your bow. This can help you maintain good shooting form and reduce the risk of injury as well.
Jumping rope
Running, cycling, or jumping rope:
These cardiovascular archery exercises improve endurance as well as your lower body, which is important for long days in the field.
To improve your endurance and lower body in the field, try incorporating cardio exercises like running, cycling, or jumping rope into your workout routine. These exercises can help to get your heart rate up and improve your overall cardiovascular fitness, which can make a big difference in your ability to stay active and alert in the field.
Running, cycling, and jumping rope are all great forms of cardiovascular exercise that can be done at home or at the gym. They can be easily adjusted to fit your fitness level and can be incorporated into your regular workout routine.
In addition to improving your endurance, running, cycling, and jumping rope can also help to improve your overall physical fitness and strength. This can help you maintain good shooting form and reduce the risk of injury in the field.
Overall, running, cycling, and jumping rope are a great way to improve your endurance and performance as a bowhunter. Incorporating these exercises into your workout routine can help you maintain a high level of physical fitness and take your bowhunting skills to the next level.
Final Note
It's important for a bowhunter to be in good shape for a few reasons. First, being in good physical condition can help you maintain good shooting form and accuracy during archery season. This is because strong muscles, particularly in the upper body, are essential for drawing a bow back smoothly and for holding the bow steady during the shot.
In addition to improving your shooting skills, being in good physical condition can also help you stay safe and comfortable in the field. Hunting can be physically demanding, especially if you're hiking long distances or carrying heavy gear. Good physical fitness can help you stay active and alert, and can reduce the risk of injury
Finally, being in good shape can also improve your overall enjoyment of the hunting experience. When you're in good physical condition, you're able to stay active and engaged in the hunt, which can make it more fun and rewarding.
Overall, being in good shape is important for a bowhunter because it can help improve your shooting skills, reduce the risk of injury, and enhance your enjoyment of the hunting experience.