James Zandstra
James Zandstra is one of the founders of The Fair Chase and grew up hunting and fishing in northern Michigan. He’s hunted and fished all around the country and likes to find new ways to prepare wildgame. James loves meeting and learning from other outdoorsmen and women from around the country.
Jared Gortsema
Jared Gortsema is one of the first members of The Fair Chase. He's a Michigan native and spends as much time as possible in the woods or on the water. He's a Marine Corps Veteran and an accomplished ourdoorsman. He loves hitting the woods with a bow in hand and works hard to pass the tradition down to his own kids.
Joe Griffin
Joe Griffin is the newest addition to The Fair Chase team. He's an avid hunter, spending lots of time hunting and fishing with his son all over the west, up in Alaska and at home in West Michigan. Joe's recent films highlight successful caribou and sheep hunts in Alaska.