Crunching Leaves

Pictured here is Jared getting got by a bushy tail

As I've been gearing up for whitetails and shooting at squirrels with my bow, I've been reminded of a special phenomenon that I experience during the early parts of every deer season.

Imagine this: you're nestled in your hunting spot on opening day, waiting for a big buck to come through the thicket on the edge of a swamp. The more you think about the possibility of a bruiser breaking through that small patch of woods, the more you concentrate on it. Suddenly you hear it - leaves crunching. It sounds like a big boy's headed your way and you feel the blood drain from your legs as your grip your bow. Minutes tick by and the anticipation only rises as the crunching gets closer. You begin to shake a little, imagining how the shot will play out in your head.

Suddenly, it appears. A small grey squirrel bounds out of the brush and sits on a stump, chattering/laughing at you.

Maybe I'm the only one that gets a little amped in these situations and maybe I'm the only one who's taken that opportunity to fill my freezer with a little extra meat (as well as a little revenge)... but I'm guessing I'm not.

Deer HuntingJames Zandstra