Bear Hunting Rocks
Spring bear season is almost here, so I sat down with Kolby Morehead from Bear Hunter Magazine for our latest episode of The Fair Chase podcast. We explored why bear hunting stands out as a unique, rewarding pursuit with no single “right” way to do it. It was the perfect episode for getting you stoked for the spring.
Kolby covered a variety of methods: spot-and-stalk in the Western mountains, cruising Alaska’s shores by boat, baiting, or running hounds. Each approach is legit and awesome, letting hunters choose what fits their style.
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What You’ll Take Before You Break
Riley’s got a term for it: social carrying capacity. It’s not about how many animals a place can hold, but how much we’re willing to put up with before we lose it. A bear rummaging through your trash might get a shrug if it’s just once. But if that same bear tears into your dog’s kennel, you’re done—zero’s the number you want. I’ve seen it play out with black bears up north; folks marvel at a sighting until one claws through their screen door.
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Train Like a Predator
Most people think hunting is a game of strength. It’s not. At least, not the kind of strength that matters when you’re five days into a backcountry hunt, running on minimal sleep, sore legs, and the last ounce of grit you’ve got. Out here, brute force isn’t enough—you need endurance.
Hunting is a test of staying power. It’s easy to go hard on Day 1, fueled by adrenaline and a fresh pack. But what about Day 5, when your body aches, your feet are wrecked, and you’ve eaten nothing but freeze-dried meals that taste like the inside of your boot? That’s where real hunters separate from the rest—when fatigue sets in, but the job isn’t done.
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Savory Smoked Black Bear Ham on the Pellet Grill
One of our favorite things to do with bear is to cure an entire shoulder or hindquarter into a ham. Ham can be used for many different recipes from breakfast all the way to dinner. Check out our recipe for savory smoked black bear ham on a pellet grill!
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